An exhibit of Sharp & Eatman's photographs, titled Wild Bees, is currently on a national tour. The exhibit will be on display from July 17-September 1, 2024, at Pennsylvania's Maguire Art Museum, located in the Philadelphia area.
The opening exhibit of Wild Bees was held at Rockefeller State Park Preserve Art Gallery of Pleasantville, New York, from July 9 - August 15, 2016. This exhibit was made possible through funding provided by the New York State Environmental Protection Fund and through the generous assistance of Rockefeller State Park Preserve Director, Susan Antenen. Sharp & Eatman's Wild Bees thereafter appeared, from May through June 2017, at the New York State Capitol's Empire State Plaza Visitor Center, in Albany.
Wild Bees then embarked on its national tour. The Pritzlaff Conservation Center Gallery of the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden of California exhibited Sharp & Eatman's photographs from August 8 - November 26, 2017. The Bruce Museum of Arts and Science in Greenwich, Connecticut, featured Wild Bees from April 14 - November 11, 2018. The Humphrey Nature Center of New York's prominent Letchworth State Park exhibited Wild Bees in March and April, 2019.
In 2018-2019, Wild Bees traveled to Texas. It appeared at The Irving Arts Center Dupree Gallery of Irving, Texas, situated in the heart of Dallas/Fort Worth, from February 10-March 25, 2018. The Houston Museum of Natural Science featured the exhibit from May 24 - November 15, 2019. Wild Bees thereafter appeared at the International Museum of Art and Science in McAllen, Texas, where it remained on display from May 23 - October 18, 2020.
From June through September, 2021, the exhibit appeared at South Carolina's Brookgreen Gardens before traveling on to the McKissick Museum of South Carolina, where it remained from January 1-July 15, 2022.
From November 5, 2022-April 23, 2023, Wild Bees appeared at the Louisiana Art & Science Museum of Baton Rouge. During June 1-September 30, 2023, the exhibit was featured at the Everhart Museum of Natural History, Science & Art in Scranton, Pennsylvania.

If you are a museum or other forum interested in exhibiting Sharp and Eatman's WILD BEES, please contact us to access our ON-LINE EXHIBIT page and to obtain further information.