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Miserable Andrena (Andrena miserabilis) in Jaws of Jumping Spider

Small Carpenter Bee on Wild Rose

Long-horned Bee on Sunflower

Green metallic bee in Bellflower

Differential Grasshopper Standoff

Leafcutter Bee Cutting Flower Petal

Scape Moth on Strawflower

A Parallel Leafcutter Bee inside a Blanket Flower

June Beetle and Ant on Milkweed

Honey Bee inside White Tree Peony

Carpenter Bee on Sage

An Ancyloscelis Chimney Bee Entering an Alamo Vine Blossom

Megachile Addenda Leafcutter Bee on Dogbane

A Tepanec Longhorned Bee Resting in a Honey Locust Tree

Squash Bee Bathing in Yellow Light of Squash Flower

Neighborly Andrena on Tulip Magnolia

Neighborly Andrena Awakening from Sleep

Broad-footed Cellophane Bee Flying amid Tomatillo Flowers

Green Metalliic Bee in Woodland Nest in Log

Monarch in Meadow of Gold and Purple

An Aztec Sweat Bee inside a Prickly Pear Blossom

A Chalybea Osmia Mason Bee on a Thistle

Wilmatte's long-horned bee

An Aztec Cuckoo Leafcutter Bee

Tail End of a Female Say's Cuckoo Leafcutter Bee

A Compact Anthophorula inside a Prickly Poppy

An Endangered American Bumble Bee on Blanket Flower

A Golden Augochlora Sweat Bee

A Prickly Pear Long-horned Bee inside a Prickly Poppy

Monarch Caterpillar Battling Swamp Milkweed Leaf Beetle

Perplexing Bumble Bee Exploring Pink Mallow (Bombus perplexus)

A Northern Cactus Wood-borer Bee Drinking Nectar from a Prickly Pear Blossom

Goldenrod Crab Spider with Common Eastern Bumble Bee

Two Male Diadasia Chimney Bees Asleep in a Prickly Poppy

Tiger and Black Swallowtails amid Coneflowers in Evening

Brown-belted Bumble Bees on a Thistle

Splendid Agapostemon on goldshower bush

A Katydid Seeking Shelter in a Prickly Poppy

Pipevine Swallowtail Chrysalis

A Cellophane Bee Peering from its Nest Hole

An Orb Weaver Spider Devouring a Honey-Tailed Agapostemon Sweat Bee

Brown-Belted Bumble Bee Luxuriating in Monarda

Carpenter Bee on Bee Balm

True Long-horned Bee amid Stars (Melissodes trinodis)

Melissodes Long-horned Bees Rolicking on a Coneflower

Green Cuckoo Wasp

Spined Soldier Bug Eggs

Common Eastern Bumblebee on Yellow and Green

Spring Beauty Mining Bees Mating

Ligated Sweat Bee on Strawflower

Honey Bee Flying through Spider Flowers

Swamp Milkweed Leaf Beetle

Osmia Georgica Mason Bee

Yellow Jacket on Dahlia

Carder Bee Patrolling His Territory

Long-horned Bee on Sunflower

Monarch Butterfly in Field

Honey Bee on Mikweed, with Yellow Jacket Zipping By

Soldier Beetle Surveying Tree Peony

Wilkes Mining Bee on Purple Cow Vetch

Flat-tailed Leafcutter Bee in Flight

A Great Golden Digger Wasp Entering Its Hole

Yellow Jackets Devouring an Apple

Halictus rubicundus Bee inside Blossom

Honey Bee Landing on Tree Peony

Luna Moth

Honey Bee between Morning Glories

Honey Bees Pollinating Spider Flowers

Eyed Elator Transversing Flowers

Clearwing Hummingbird Moth in Flight

Clearwing Hummingbird Moth

Ligated Sweat Bee in Field of Chamomile

Milkweed Bugs inside Milkweed Pod

Katydid on Milkweed Leaf

Garter Snake amid Skunk Cabbage

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